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June 2017: Touring Webster Groves
City Hall     Built in 1932
Masonic Lodge & former movie theater

The Ozark Theater, above right, is one of the oldest motion picture houses in St. Louis, having opened in 1921. It has been a dental technology school and, up to five or six years ago, an antiques mall. It is now a performng arts venue, having been beautifully restored. Two incarnations of the theater, seen center below as it was in 1921, one from 1990 (below, left) and 2004. Ouch!
Below: more pictures of George's boyhood home

George outside his boyhood home. Thanks to the realty business, we have pictures of inside and out (right, above, 2015).
Alongside the front door is a plaque identifying this as a historical property.
The archway and the exposed rafters are part of the house's cottage charm.
The sleeping porch is still there.

George would have a tidier garden!